
How ratings are calculated on LG

A standard Elo rating system is used to calculate the ratings. It is a method that was used for the first time in chess. A detailed description is at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elo_rating_system

For the implementation on the Little Golem server, an initial rating of 1500 is used. The K factor is determined by the number of games played. For the first game this coefficient is equal to 60 and after each game the coefficient decreases by 1. The minimum coefficient of K is 30, after that it does not decrease anymore. The rating cannot fall below 1000. The rating is calculated to four decimal places (one decimal place is displayed). The rating change in each completed game is displayed next to the player’s rating.

Ratings go up and down and do not have a permanent value like grandmaster titles have in chess - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grandmaster_(chess) .Therefore, ranks are also introduced on LG, taken from the game Go. More at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_(rank)

Rank starts at 20.kyu and for when the conditions are met so a higher rank is obtained. 1st kyu is followed by 1st dan. The rank is gained forever and never drops again.

The prerequisite for the 19th kyu is to have a rating of 1200 and to have won 1 game. For 18th kyu is to get another 50 rating points (1250) and win 2 more games (ted total at least 3). So it goes on. For example, the condition for getting 1st Dan is to have a rating of 2200 and to have won at least 210 games.

There is a button on the bottom right of the game page that allows you to toggle between rating and rank display. The toggle applies to all LG server pages. It’s not necessary though, as the tooltip on the rating works at the same time.

The rating is calculated separately for each game and variant.


Summary table of conditions for obtaining the rank.

Rank Rating Number of winning games
19k 1250 1
18k 1300 3
17k 1350 6
16k 1400 10
15k 1450 15
14k 1500 21
13k 1550 28
12k 1600 36
11k 1650 45
10k 1700 55
9k 1750 66
8k 1800 78
7k 1850 91
6k 1900 105
5k 1950 120
4k 2000 136
3k 2050 153
2k 2100 171
1k 2150 190
1d 2200 210
2d 2250 231
3d 2300 253
4d 2350 276
5d 2400 300
6d 2450 325
7d 2500 351
8d 2550 378
9d 2600 406
10d 2650 435
13d 2800 528
11d 2700 465
12d 2750 496
13d 2800 528